
Showing posts from April, 2018

Top 10 Digital Marketing Articles of this Week: 27th April 2018!

Here we come again with our list of this week's best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search... Please visit PageTraffic Buzz for the full article. SEO Company in lucknow

Weekly Infographic: 55 Must-Know Facts for Small Business Websites SEO!

At present, the internet is playing a major role in boosting the growth of creative economics. There are a number of facts which a small business owner should know about SEO. Google leads the market... Please visit PageTraffic Buzz for the full article. SEO Company in lucknow

Digital Marketing Strategy for SMEs – World’s Top Marketers Discuss

Pradeep Chopra, CEO at Digital Vidya – Marketing can be an arduous task in the current day scenario where the attention span of consumers has become increasingly low. Digital Marketing has given a great opportunity to small brands to compete with the giants out there. But this opportunity should be utilised in a proper way […] The post Digital Marketing Strategy for SMEs – World’s Top Marketers Discuss appeared first on Digital Vidya . SEO Company in lucknow

Key Skills to Become a Data Science Engineer

In a 2017 business research article IBM predicted that the need for Data Scientists will increase 28% by 2020, with nearly 3 million job openings for Data Science professionals. According to a Forbes report, Data Scientist has been named the best job in America for three consecutive years, with a median base salary of $110,000 […] The post Key Skills to Become a Data Science Engineer appeared first on Digital Vidya . SEO Company in lucknow

Pinterest Business Profiles to Show Total Monthly Viewers!

Pinterest is making many changes to look of business profiles, including the addition of a monthly viewer statistic.This statistic will be visible to everybody and not only account administrators.... Please visit PageTraffic Buzz for the full article. SEO Company in lucknow

Top 27 Actionable Content Marketing Tips for Every Modern Day Marketer

Content Marketing is the process of creating and promoting content on a consistent basis in order to reach a business objective. The objective could be to increase brand awareness, manage reputation online, generate leads or acquire new customers.  The main problem with content marketing is there is too much content. So how do you cut […] The post Top 27 Actionable Content Marketing Tips for Every Modern Day Marketer appeared first on Digital Vidya . SEO Company in lucknow

Google Confirms Algorithm Release Update on April 16th!

Google has launched a broad core algorithm update last week. They confirmed on Twitter that the algorithm update was released on April 16th. Google released a similar algorithm update early last... Please visit PageTraffic Buzz for the full article. SEO Company in lucknow

Google Extends Types of Predictions They Remove From Autocomplete!

Gigolo is opening a kimono to slightly reveal how it manages autocomplete function on its search engine. It offers a peek into within the logic behind predictions, some of the policies that govern... Please visit PageTraffic Buzz for the full article. SEO Company in lucknow

Google Simplifying Job Search in India!

Finding the correct job opportunity is a challenge for any professional irrespective of his or her profession. Job postings are spread across newspapers, notice boards, and websites. Therefore it is... Please visit PageTraffic Buzz for the full article. SEO Company in lucknow

BI Tools: Replacing the “Gut Felt” with “Data Led” in Decision Making

Why do we need Business intelligence (BI) for successfully running any digital business is no more a question that needs any explanation but still just to set the ground firm I will briefly talk about it. Data is often regarded as the new world currency, as effective decision making based on data driven insights is […] The post BI Tools: Replacing the “Gut Felt” with “Data Led” in Decision Making appeared first on Digital Vidya . SEO Company in lucknow

Growth marketing, SEM and your business

While the concept of growth marketing can seem complex, the goal is simple: Find the best possible new customers for your business. While all businesses benefit from more customers, growth marketing can be especially critical for startups and SMBs, which often need to grow quickly to keep up with competitors in a dense marketplace or to attract and satisfy investors.      The benefits of growth marketing may be easy to see, but they can be hard to achieve. How much of your budget should go toward advertising? How do you make sure your advertising budget is being used effectively? How do you make sure potential customers are seeing your ads? Search engine marketing (SEM) is a great place to start Unlike radio spots, billboards, print ads and other traditional methods that may go unseen or ignored by your target audience, SEM helps ensure every bit of your budget is put to work by charging your account only when your ad is clicked.    SEM also offers m...

Top 10 Digital Marketing Articles of this Week: 20th April 2018!

Here we come again with our list of this week's best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search... Please visit PageTraffic Buzz for the full article. SEO Company in lucknow